Monday, February 27, 2006

Audience Participation

Over the weekend, I used Nelly's green sharpy to label my old sneaks "Turk" and "J.D." which, I feel, just makes it official. But when I got home, I took another look at the new sneaks and decided ... they really don't strike me as the Captain and Tennille.

I mean Turk and J.D. are fun-filled, charismatic charactors.

C&T, on the other hand...
My god, look at that moustache. That's unacceptable. And poofy sleeves? Really? No. Can't do it.

Must rename shoes.

Any suggestions?!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

YOU TOO could receive a digital tassel for your effort! Donate Today!

Many thanks to Jen for her donation!
And a tassel for the lady.

Of Snow and Wine

Oh I had PLANS yesterday. I made a list. I made a tentative schedule. I GOT UP AT 7AM on a SATURDAY! Oh but the best laid plans... sometimes kill bunnies even when you love them enough to SQUEEZE REAL HARD!

I was exhausted Friday night. This training schedule will not do. No, no. Must find another way. So I went to bed around 9:30pm Friday night instead of working a few hours like I had planned because frankly, a biography of Johannes Kepler ain't interesting enough to keep me awake. Instead, I woke up at 7am Saturday morning, quite literally rolled out of bed for those good ole 20 pushups (which looked a lot like 10 that particular morning. hmmph.) and shuffled down to the laundry room--I mean "my office"--to see what Johannes was up to. I worked for a good three hours, finished transcribing the Index (because the body wasn't boring enough) and psyched myself up for a training walk.

Wouldn't you know it, it started SNOWING the second I hit "Save" and did not relent until... actually, I don't know. I left the state.

Because, you see, I thought at first "SNOW CANNOT STOP ME!" and I began to layer on clothing like I was... angry with my roommate and wanted revenge.

But the snow, it kept fallin'. And harder. And sticking to the ground. And that's when I called Nell.

Nell said she'd walk with me if I wanted to drive down to CT a bit early and run errands with her for her wine tasting party. AND that it wasn't snowing down there. So I, with my 8 layers and Pa, with his pipe settled down for a long winter's drive through the trailers to a snow storm and some We ain't in Kansas winds.

After some Subwaylicious lunch, Nell and I walked through a sad little snow shower down the pier, past some snuggley birds, over LOTS of bird poop and as a bonus, got to see a swan run on water. Swans are like dragons when they fly. I don't know if you know that. Their wing span is intimidating and the sound of their flapping could startle the villagers from half a mile away. We also made friends with some birds--Chevy and Bill and Clarence to name a few--and heard live music from... somewhere inside a building. It was a good walk. It was about a mile once we got back to the car.

Yes, I realize at this point I should be doing more but... it was cold out, man. COLD.

I was supposed to do a training walk this morning but I kinda got stuck in CT. Couldn't quite wake up in time.

Can't imagine why ...

I did however, get some donations from a few of the loverly people at the party:

Like Dee (please pause to notice Nell's askew shirt because it will embarass her),And Sandy and Marty who are also way better at opening wine than... me.

So thank you, loverly people! Your donations will go into the cash jar until I figure out how to count cash as a donation.

Until then... maybe I'll try to hop on the treadmill later today.

Donations Make Me Dance

Thank you to Sara and Tyson for their donation!

Fun for the whole family. (The pink one's for Gracie.)

Friday, February 24, 2006

Awesome Fighting Ninja Robot Force

There's a bucket by the door at my house for shoes. This is how lazy we are. Instead of putting them in our closets and putting some thought into what shoes to wear BEFORE we're half-way out the door, we... leave them in a bucket.

Or on the floor by the bucket. That's how lazy *I* am.

This morning, I noticed that both pairs of my almost identical sneakers had been haphazardly kicked toward the bucket and lay less in pairs than in a very cozy little mess of laces and tongues and ... oh my, this is going in the wrong direction. Point being... if one pair weren't startlingly white and other dingy gray (and I guarantee if I keep wearing them to work, the former will become the latter) then I might have put on one from each pair.

Now, if they were identical, maybe this wouldn't be such a big deal. Same size, same style, same price, same laces. But, I can't break up a team like that! It's not right! Shoes gotta stick together!

And then I realized that I had yet to name the old pair. What kind of teamwork could I expect from a pair of unnamed shoes?

So, having named new pair Captain and Tennille, a 70's pop reference, I decided that for the sake of cosmic balance I had to go with a modern pop reference. I considered quite a few alternatives in the minute and a half it took for me to put my shoes on (KC and Jojo? No. MaryKate and Ashley? Definately not. Luke and Lorelai? When are those two gonna get it together already?!) before I decided on Turk and J.D.

I've been watching a lot of Scrubs lately.

Still, I think it's perfect. Captain & Tennille and Turk & J.D. My next mission is to buy us all Best Friends Forever bracelets that, when combined, form an awesome fighting ninja robot force.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

DONATION INFORMATION: Facts to Know and Love

Dear Wendy,

How do I know you're not a big ole scam and just collecting money to enhance your own breasteses?

A. Fictional Character

Dear A.,

First of all, my breasteses are just fine the way they is, thanks. But you bring up a good point, and that point--as I interpret it--is that I need to explain the whole "donation" thing a little better.

For the record, YOUR DONATION IS NOT PER MILE... unless you'd like it to be 'cause, hey, I'd take it. No, no, it's a one-time deal. But feel free to donate again in a couple months. And then again right before the event. I need everything I can get folks!

Donating online (HERE) is the quickest and easiest way to go. You can use your credit OR debit for one lump sum or up to 4 monthly donations. After you donate, you'll receive an email receipt that can be used for tax purposes! Weee!

ALSO if you donate online, your name gets added to the funtime donor scroll on the DONATION page. You'll be famous. To... me, anyway.

Donating by check is only slightly more complicated. On the DONATION page, click on the donation form link and print out your very own form. (FYI: One check per form!) Make the check out to "Breast Cancer 3-Day" and include my name in the memo section just in case it gets separated from the donation form. If you include your email address on the check, you'll receive an email receipt! If not, you'll have to call to request a receipt at 800-996-3DAY. Any donation of $250 or more will automatically receive a mailed receipt (as well as a dance of joy and possibly a box of cookies from me!)

Donations should be mailed to:
Breast Cancer 3-Day
7610 Paysphere Circle
Chicago,IL 60674-7610

The 3-DAY asks that you do not mail them cash. But hey, I'll take it. Next time you see me, throw a couple bills my way and I guarantee a dance for you.

All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The tax ID number for the Breast Cancer 3-Day is 23-7825575.

For American Express cardholders: Kintera, the database provider for the 3-Day, has partnered with American Express to provide a special offer for 3-Day donors. When someone makes a donation online using their American Express Card, AmEx will make an additional contribution to the 3-Day's general fund. Please note that this additional contribution does not go towards a participant's individual fundraising balance.

More than 200,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in the United States this year and more than 40,000 American women and men will lose their lives to the disease. One woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 3 minutes. Every 13 minutes, the disease claims another life in the United States.

So please donate. Big or small, I'll take whatever I can get. And don't forget to tell your friends because you never know who's been affected by breast cancer and what they're willing to do to see it beaten down and smashed to bits.

I Break for Tassels

Many thanks to
Jen, Kristen and Chris
for donating today!

Swing 'em if you got 'em.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

How DO I Manage to Keep My Butt so Squishy?

If I could just get paid for sitting around and looking cute, my life would be infinitely easier.

Or maybe if I didn't spend almost 4 hours a day travelling to and from work...

Either way, I have too much to do and very little time and/or energy to do any of it with. Last night, for example, when I got home from karate at 9ish, I fiddled with the template again while I ate supper and possibly got something accomplished. Honestly, I don't remember. But then I went to my room. Watched some Scrubs. And fell asleep by 10:15.

I had planned to make t-shirts. I... haven't even bought the t-shirts yet. I'm still trying to figure out what to put on them. But that so very much wasn't going to happen last night.

I'm also trying to work out a training schedule that approximates the official schedule but that's not looking good either. Theirs has two days of rest, 4 days of walking and 1 day of crosstraining (for 30 minutes. Gaffaw!)

The way my week goes, I can walk Monday night--on the treadmill since I get home at 7. Tuesday and Wednesday nights, I have karate for 45 minutes preceeded by my "There isn't enough time to go home so I'll go to class early" 20-30 minutes of oft-interupted yoga. Thursday night I usually smack around the heavy bag for 30 minutes although I guess I can throw in some walking time after that, again, on the treadmill but really, the bag's more important. I'll have another belt test sometime early this summer, I think and I'd really like to be prepared for that as well. Friday, I can walk... on the treadmill at least until it gets lighter out. And then I'll have to do the bulk of my walking on Saturday and Sunday.

Which... leaves no time for rest. That's bad. I like rest.

I also get up early 4 days a week to do 10 minutes on the treadmill, and get in my crunches and pushups.

Right. It's looking like Friday is rest day since I usually sleep in anyway.


Monday walk
Tuesday crosstrain
Wednesday crosstrain
Thursday crosstrain/walk
Friday sweet sweet rest
Saturday walk
Sunday walk

My god, you'd think I'd be in better shape. Thank you ice cream, cookies and Chef Boyardee for making sure that never ever happens.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The First in (What I Hope to Be) a Long List of Donors

Many Thanks to:


for their generous donations to the cause.

Tassels off to you, ladies!

I Shall Hereby Dub Them Captain and Tennille

The Mom and I went to Target yesterday for hair dye and ice cream--we had a girly afternoon--and took a jaunt through the shoe section to see if they still sold my favorite sneaks. Low and behold.... they did. And for $14.99. So I said, "I have $14.99!" and promptly bought them.

I decided breaking them in was best done by wearing them to work. I walk a good 8 blocks a day from the train station and back, not to mention through stations, on and off of trains and to the back of the parking lot where I usually park. That's some good break-in walkin' if I do say so myself.

But now my feet hurt. Maybe I should have started with a trip to the grocery store or... the mailbox. Possibly the living room.

I am determined, however, to keep them on Allll Day, no matter how smooshy and comfortable my work slippers look. Oh I see you, slippers. But I'm on a mission today. Gotta dirty up these nice white sneakers. Make 'em look respectable.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Training Walk #2

It was at least 15 degrees warmer today and thank the gods of bitter winds for that. My face still ended up bright red and Rudolphtastic but I ended up taking off my gloves when my hands started to sweat. Mmmm sweaty hands. Nothin' hotter.

This time, we stopped at Dunkin Donuts--entirely mom's fault--where mom got a coffee and I got a Gatorade. She then proceeded to spill coffee all over her coat while I chanted Gaaaatorrraaaadde. GAAAAATORAAAADE! We never win the Polite in Public reward. Never ever.

Having gone to good ole Dunkies, we walked home via the short hill--a different route than yesterday. She showed me the monster hill we've decided to put off for now but that'll be a mission someday..... someday.... not today because it's just too cold.

We ended up doing 1.39 miles today, up .28 miles from yesterday. Good for us. But I'm going by my pedometer--which... counts steps-- and it's entirely possible that my Gatorade dance accounted for ... oh, at least .3 miles.

I'm told you have to train for all conditions. I consider "spontaneous dancing" one of those conditions. I like to be prepared.

Pardon Me While I Take My Chill Pill and Hop Off The Crazy Train


I've had the monster of all bad mornings. I wasn't entirely sure I wasn't at work for the twenty minutes it took me to get the computer to do ANYTHING I asked it to do.

First of all, 3day people, the donation form is damn near impossible to find online. And the few times I did find it, it didn't load correctly. And then the printer had a little hissy fit because part of the form was in color and oh, we don't like color. We're out of colored ink. So instead of printing in black like I asked it, it made unpleasant noises and just... skipped over the colored stuff. Stupid, stupid printer.

Then I get a message from my very kind and much appreciated first donater (Thank you Missy!) saying that her donation didn't show up. sigh. So I read the Donation FAQ's and they say it should post the amount immediately; if it doesn't, call right away. So I called. And the chick said, "Yeah, it takes about 24 hours to show up." But... the website says... "No, it takes about 24 hours." sigh... again.

AND THEN, I get to my mom's school to use the copier and can't figure out the damn form. What exactly is the "Supporter ID"? The lady on the phone made it sound like it was a number for donaters but the form makes it look like MY number and should I be making copies of this if the supporter ID should be different for each donater? But that doesn't make sense because I understood that once we EVENTUALLY get our packets (and by the way, I'm a little cranky I haven't received that yet) there is but one donation form included for to be photocopied and distributed as such. So....


But I didn't have internet access just then to check. That's fine... that's fine because I printed out my business cards, tried to cut all five sheets at one time--to make them even--and destroyed the whole lot of them.

And that, my friends, is when I had a little mini-meltdown. I had to leave the room before I morphed into Angry Hulk Girl and SMASHED COMPUTER! SMASHED PAPER! SMASHED PAPERCUTTER! RAWWRRRRRR! GRRRRR!

And then as soon as I could breathe again, I had an epiphany... This is how perfectionists feel. They try so hard to get things absolutely perfect that any mistake, no matter how tiny, is amplified by the INSANITY that is perfectionism. So I reminded myself that I am not, in fact, a perfectionist. I am an adapter. I can fix this as I've fixed the million other things I've screwed up before. And if the cards aren't all the same size... who cares? And if they're different colors? Variety is the spice of life. Gimmee them eggs; we's gonna make an omelete!

I almost never get that insane about projects. Clearly, I care quite a bit about this one. But that's a post for another day.

For now, I've got 25 donation forms--sans color--and 70 some odd cards. Two more things to check off the list.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Training Walk #1

The mom and I just went on training walk number one--that is to say the first walk I've done NOT on the treadmill (hey, it's cold out there)--and we completed 1.11 miles! Weeee!

Since tomorrow's a holiday, we may walk again. But after today, training will be on Sundays with the BFFs or... on the treadmill until it gets lighter out at night.

1.11 miles is a good start.

But my cheeks are cold. Next time = scarf.

Two Pairs, Two Pairs for Twice the Price

Someone recommended yesterday that two pairs of the same sneaker are good to have. And that's true. But I'm not spending $100 on sneakers. I like the ones I'm wearing--I bought them for the Team with a Vision 5k last Fall--and I bought them at Target for like... $15? Maybe I can find another pair. Then I'd have two! Woo!

I'll look tomorrow.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Pretty pretty pink paper

Trusty notebook, I'm so glad I brought you. I just wrote 4 pages of notes. Granted, it's a small notebook but I wrote small too so... it counts. Let me just ... move the margins out and increase the font a bit and then it'll almost be about 5 pages.

P.S. Speaking as a former writing teacher, that never works. And it's annoying. And I used to lower the Annoy the Teacher with Stupid Things grade when I saw extra big margins.

Anyhoo, I got a lot of great tips from the veteran walkers, mostly about blisters and shin splints and something absolutely horrible called "black toe" wherein the... toenail turns black and falls off. Yeep. Be that as it may, I am not duct taping the entirety of my legs--no matter how pretty this season's pink duct tape is--because I like my skin firmly attached to my body, thanks. And I realize it's jumping the gun a bit to start making a Pack List but hey, ain't nothin' wrong with being prepared. They're just notes, kids. My follow-through isn't that efficient.

My fundraising To Do list, however, has grown exponentially. I have a lot of fantastic ideas written down and not even remotely enough time to do them all. There's a bonus prize if you get to $500 in donations in your first 60 days but I... don't see that happening. This website is still in the realms of the secret. I'm waiting for the banner before I start publicizing. And I haven't written a letter yet and I need to get paper to put it on and the business cards I made look great on the computer but printing them in color could be a challange and... and... and.... OH THERE'S SO MUCH TO DO!

And I really need to make myself a training schedule. Theirs doesn't really fit in to my life... in any way at all. And you know what, I'm gonna have to "cross-train" three times a week instead of one because... I'm also in training for my next belt test which should be sometime this summer and walking isn't going to improve my scissor kick. Lack of gravity might... but that's hard to come by. Curse you, gravity!

I talked to Sheri, the woman from the message boards I emailed about training walks. She told me her team, Breast Foot Forward, was looking for more members. Originally, I had thought I would prefer to do this thing alone but... well, first of all, these ladies tend toward the sassy and I dig that and secondly, having help would be beneficial. Because I lose stuff. And forget stuff. And get too inwardly focused sometimes. It would be nice to have team members to back me up when I inevitably spaz. Their first training walk is probably next weekend. I'll go to that and see if I mesh with the ladies. If so, I think I'll join. Nothing keeps you moving like a group of singing ladies walking next to you... except giant monsters with sharp sharp knives. But considering the safety precautions this event takes, I'm thinking there won't be any.

The mission for today is paper.

FOCUS past Kelly Square and Maybe I'll Make It

Today is Focus Meeting day! Weee! I'd actually be a little excited if it wasn't for the impending trip to the belly of the beast. Oh Worcester! You poorly planned city! With your devious 290 signs that lead nowhere and your "intersections" that are feared far and wide!

Having gotten horribly lost last time and traversing the neighborhood in a circular pattern for a good 20 minutes, I do have some hope that I will at least recognize where I am and find my way by accident again. I know not to follow the sign to the airport. We learned that lesson, didn't we?!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what other people have accomplished--since my donation-o-meter is still at the $10 I donated to myself--and getting tips o' the trade from the experienced walkers. I also emailed someone in the area whose group does training walks. I'm looking to jump in on those so I don't have to walk around No'bro by my lonesome.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

There's a Reason I Don't Carpool

I finished my mission statement on the train tonight, as well as compiling a list of thank you's which will appear later, and I gotta be honest... I got a little misty. Of all the embarassing things I do on the train, this one ranks somewhere below blatant snoring and laughing aloud at my book, but still not something you want to do in front of a bunch of strangers. To that lady staring at me, I just wanted to say, "It's About Cancer! BACK OFF!" but I didn't. I just pointed my pencil at her and started writing furiously. If that won't get someone to move to another seat, I don't know what will.

But I'm sure it has something to do with public urination and I'm just not comfortable with that.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Story of Sickyface and the Neverending "To Do" List

Sick.... as a dog today.

Of excercising: there was none.

Of work done: there was none.

But I started writing my mission statement so that's.... nice.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Intensive Training for the Easily Tuckered

I got my 3 day packet in the mail today! Weee! I... haven't read it yet. Apparently, I'm supposed to start "training" soon. I took a look at their "training" chart and I gotta tell ya... the first few weeks consist of the amount of excercise I get when I'm sick. I'm not saying I'm ready for 60 miles right now--hell, I'm not ready for 5 yet--but starting out this slow is like a backslide for me.

I think I'll keep on keepin' on with my regular 10 min/.33 miles in the morning and try to follow their guidelines a couple nights a week. I definately need to work on distance and endurance--that's never been my strong suit... in anything... ever. You know those whitening strips that only take 12 days?

Mmhmm. Distance and endurance.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

I Will Never Be a Teen Model

Today's discovery: I am much more comfortable in front of a camera with a couple o' drinks in me. Lovely though that white mocha latte was...

I think it's fair to say, the camera could easily detect my discomfort.
But with my trusty hand model/prop master by my side...
And in my shirt...
The good times....
Oh they began to roll...
And then some.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Stealth Scheming

I've been pretty quiet about my involvement in this deal thus far because I don't feel like I'm quite prepared yet. One of the fundraising ideas on website is business cards. Just a little somethin' somethin' to say who you are, what you're doing and where to find more info. I lurve this idea and not just because I've always wanted business cards.

It goes along with the 3day's "If you talk about it, they will give" mantra. The idea is that once you start chatting about the walking and whatnot, people will be like, "Hey! I'd like to donate!" and whether they mean it or not--and the last time I did a charity walk, I didn't get half the money promised me--you can whip out those handy business cards and say, "Great! You can use debit or credit to donate online OR contact me here so I can send you a donation form!" Ha HA! Try to sneak out of THAT ONE, fake donaters!

So. Business cards. It's a plan. It's a plan that needs to wait for a logo.

I spent some break time today making little gifs to spruce up the blog but I'm still fighting with the damn template. In case they never make it into the background...

Also... still need to write that mini-mission statement. No... idea where to start with that one.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Money Makes the World Go 'Round

So I was thinking.... other than the online donation page, I have no idea what to do with... erm... the donations.


So I did some research on website and found some wonderfully helpfull info that I will... somehow lose or forget. And that's why we have blogs, children.

--can take up to 4 weeks to post to your account
--each check needs to be stapled to its own donation form (1 check per form)
--if the donor provides an email address, s/he will receive an email confirmation otherwise, I will need to call and request a receipt
--checks should be made out to "Breast Cancer 3-Day" with name and supporter ID# in the "Memo" section of the check

Note to self: Find out what Supporter ID# means

Monday, February 06, 2006

And then today...

I'm still in the process of setting up my "HQ" through the site. It's pretty pathetic but I have very little control over it.

I also posted on my Myspace blog, asking those fine people to help me out with a slogan... and then I came up with one on my own (see above). Although some of the comments I got were mighty funny:

Donate because they are prettier than udders?
You Don't Know How Good You Have It Until It's Gone

And as per Niki's suggestion for a Battle of the Bands or Talent Show type event, Jothan suggested "Rack and Roll" which is my favorite so far. Probably horribly inappropriate but then again, high school girls dress like streetwalkers these days anyway so really... what's inappropriate?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Officially Officious... I mean--

I have registered and subsequently donated $10 to myself, as per the suggestion of the orientation leader. She was right. It's not as sad when it says $2,190 left to go.

I'm already plotting my fundraising junk. I have a great idea for donation cans. Must find party store...

I've also recruited Jothan on logo duty, Nell as my official photographer and Niki as my event spy... er, coordinator. My mom said she'd help too. She will become my mail bitch... since she passes the post office every day anyway.

All this plotting and scheming! It's like taking over the world only... in a nice way.