Wednesday, February 22, 2006

How DO I Manage to Keep My Butt so Squishy?

If I could just get paid for sitting around and looking cute, my life would be infinitely easier.

Or maybe if I didn't spend almost 4 hours a day travelling to and from work...

Either way, I have too much to do and very little time and/or energy to do any of it with. Last night, for example, when I got home from karate at 9ish, I fiddled with the template again while I ate supper and possibly got something accomplished. Honestly, I don't remember. But then I went to my room. Watched some Scrubs. And fell asleep by 10:15.

I had planned to make t-shirts. I... haven't even bought the t-shirts yet. I'm still trying to figure out what to put on them. But that so very much wasn't going to happen last night.

I'm also trying to work out a training schedule that approximates the official schedule but that's not looking good either. Theirs has two days of rest, 4 days of walking and 1 day of crosstraining (for 30 minutes. Gaffaw!)

The way my week goes, I can walk Monday night--on the treadmill since I get home at 7. Tuesday and Wednesday nights, I have karate for 45 minutes preceeded by my "There isn't enough time to go home so I'll go to class early" 20-30 minutes of oft-interupted yoga. Thursday night I usually smack around the heavy bag for 30 minutes although I guess I can throw in some walking time after that, again, on the treadmill but really, the bag's more important. I'll have another belt test sometime early this summer, I think and I'd really like to be prepared for that as well. Friday, I can walk... on the treadmill at least until it gets lighter out. And then I'll have to do the bulk of my walking on Saturday and Sunday.

Which... leaves no time for rest. That's bad. I like rest.

I also get up early 4 days a week to do 10 minutes on the treadmill, and get in my crunches and pushups.

Right. It's looking like Friday is rest day since I usually sleep in anyway.


Monday walk
Tuesday crosstrain
Wednesday crosstrain
Thursday crosstrain/walk
Friday sweet sweet rest
Saturday walk
Sunday walk

My god, you'd think I'd be in better shape. Thank you ice cream, cookies and Chef Boyardee for making sure that never ever happens.


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