Saturday, February 18, 2006

FOCUS past Kelly Square and Maybe I'll Make It

Today is Focus Meeting day! Weee! I'd actually be a little excited if it wasn't for the impending trip to the belly of the beast. Oh Worcester! You poorly planned city! With your devious 290 signs that lead nowhere and your "intersections" that are feared far and wide!

Having gotten horribly lost last time and traversing the neighborhood in a circular pattern for a good 20 minutes, I do have some hope that I will at least recognize where I am and find my way by accident again. I know not to follow the sign to the airport. We learned that lesson, didn't we?!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what other people have accomplished--since my donation-o-meter is still at the $10 I donated to myself--and getting tips o' the trade from the experienced walkers. I also emailed someone in the area whose group does training walks. I'm looking to jump in on those so I don't have to walk around No'bro by my lonesome.


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