Day 3 in Pictures--Part 1
When I emerged, all clean and smelling like a daisy, I returned to tent village to see this in progress... the beginning of the end. The pack up, clean up, steamroll and sweep up. The end of the tent village:

Miraculously, I managed to de-tent all by myself (although a tent angel stopped by to help me yank a stubborn pole out), handed my duffel off to the crew truck, had some breakfast and headed out. The last thing I saw on my way out: The Pink Angels!

This is a yard I saw that was a little bit awesome. There was a waterfall.

Ok, so I have no pre-lunch pictures (and if you've been following along in my journey, you'll know that I was obsessing over tape at the time and therefore in no position to take pictures) but here's the beginning of the ocean walk, from right around the corner from lunch. Hard to tell from this wee picture but those white dots in front of the trees in the back there are 3DAY walkers. Bunches of 'em.
And when I got to where the dots were... I snapped this:
The beach walk was FANtastic. Like I said, sweet salty breezes and a lovely view of Boston from afar. The two tallest buildings are the Pru and John Hancock. The white dot in the sky... is an airplane.
This is just to prove that there were, in fact, people behind me at some point.
This... is what you look like after 3 days of walking. It's not pleasant, I know. Look away, children, just look away.
Here we have the totally impromptu cheering station that began as 3 people taking a break under a tree. Then I sat down and had myself a snack. Then a group sat down with me. Then a whole bunch more people. Then the Pink Angels stopped by. And within 10 minutes, we had a whole cheering section established.
Oh and THIS was a sight for sore feet if ever there was one. The Bayside Expo Center was the site of the closing ceremonies. There was a scrolling message about the 3DAY but I... didn't stick around to read it. I just wanted to GET THERE.
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