Wednesday, May 31, 2006

For He's a Jolly Good Fellow

As of this afternoon, I'm happy to announce, I have reached the
mark thanks to a well-rounded donation by
who, by the way, turned a truly crappy day into a triumphant day for boobies everywhere. Thank you, thank you Brad!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

And Then Life Gets in the Way

I push too hard. And then I burn out. About a week and a half ago, I started playing the evil treadmill game again. Only more. And often. And faster. Because man, I wanted to be fully prepared for this belt test.

Oh but then I got sick. And I've been sick since last Wednesday. And I missed class on Wednesday and I couldn't breathe well enough to work out on my own. So now my belt test is 4 days away, I'm at about 60% lung capacity and I'm just so... tired.

Then I get these emails from some of the 3-Day teams I considered joining, talking about training walks and hooray! we're doing 15 miles this weekend! And I can't... get through 7 without getting stiff joints. And June 1 is tomorrow and I'm not even half-way to my fundrasing goal. And I got so many non-3-Day things going on that I can't seem to concentrate on getting all that done.

I'm a little overwhelmed, to tell you the truth. And being sick and exhausted and face hurty is not helping my motivation levels. For now I'm just working on the "If I can just get through this, first" principle.

Get rid of cold.
Take belt test.
Plan cookout and yard sale.
Train, train, train, train.

If I can just get through those first ...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Under the Subheading "It's About Time"

The letters have been sent.
Repeat: the letters have been sent.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Princess Peach, You Need to Save Yo'self, Girl

Oh extra effort. You're always in my way. I couldn't just have bought envelopes with sticky glue on the flap? No, no. I had to get the magically useless glue from 800 year old envelopes that had clearly spent many a moon on the shelf at Staples before I rescued them and gave them a better purpose.

A purpose... they clearly couldn't handle.

Saturday morning... ish... possibly Saturday afternoon, Nell and I went to the post office for some package mailing/stamp buying adventures. I bought 50 Breast Cancer Awareness stamps for... a lot more money than I thought it would cost. What are they, like $5 each?

Oh but they're beautious and well worth the price.

Anyhoo, it was one of many adventures this past weekend (and Happy Birthday to ya, Neller) and therefore not even remotely what I was thinking about Sunday night when I got home. Mostly, I was thinking, "How could I have forgotten my stupid phone in CT?!"

Stupid, stupid phone.

It was therefore LAST NIGHT that I actually remembered that Mission: Donation Letters was still on hold for lack of stamps. So post-video game funtime (I bought Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door last weekend. I lurve the Mario.) and about 20 minutes on the evil evil treadmill, I finally remembered those darn stamps sitting in a bag full of dirty clothes from the weekend.

So I stamped 44 letters and licked precisely one. I spent a good 10 minutes re-licking and attempting to stick (while watching Scrubs so you could say I was distracted) but failed miserably and ... got cranky about it.

I just told the mom and she says she can bring home tape from work. Yeah! Problem solved by the mom! Ain't that always the way?

TONIGHT! There will be tape!

And then there will be Mario.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Also Available at V.I.P.

Thank you bunches to ErinSmith for her generous donation!

Monday, May 15, 2006

I'll Bring the Birdie

Oh foiled plans. How does the universe know exactly how to ruin-- actually, more like distract me from--my plans?

The fam had tentatively scheduled a yard sale on May 27, the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. I'm not sure why the mom picked that one--I would assume they had better things to do. Turns out I do.

I thought Mary-Anne's Memorial Day(ish) cookout would be Sunday or... Memorial Day but I was horribly wrong. This evening's email proved otherwise. 2pmish on Saturday, May 27th... I'll be at Mary-Anne's house, kids and NOT so much standing in front of my house trying to get money for the crap I no longer want.

I have to go. I'm responsible for the badminton set.

Tasseled Loafers Know How to Swing

Many Thanks to Justin for his unrounded and therefore much more interesting donation.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Go Michael Scoffield! Get Over That Wall!

Man, remind me never to break out of prison. Very stressful.

But the stress upped my adrenaline and I managed 15 minutes on the treadmill despite the sore hips from yesterday's 5.21 mile jaunt.

Seriously, though... Prison Break is such a good show.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Pass the Painkillers, Pa; Mamma Done Thrown Out 'Er Back Agin

There's no excuse really, I'm just an idiot.

This past week, I've been beating on my body. I may have mentioned before, I have a belt test coming up next month (green with a brown stripe) and after my last test, I have a better understanding of what is expected of me. Knowing full well that I could still pass the test if it was... well, now--right now. As I sip my Peach Orange juice and sit pretzel style in my rolley chair. I could totally kick some ass now--I'd prefer to be really well prepared.

I held back on the last test because I wasn't sure I'd make it through the full two hours without like, passing out or crying. I did. But I hurt like a.... thing that hurts a lot afterward. THIS TIME, I will be in better shape! I will do pushups like someone other than a chick with limited upper body strength. I will jumping jack my heart out over and over and over again and still have the energy to yell louder than the 11-year-old boogers whose laziness caused the repeat of the damn jumping jacks. My forms will be beautiful! My combinations will be perfect righty AND lefty! I WILL BE READY!

So, with the vacation tingles completely absent (last week my motivation was lacking from vacation reminiscence) I started spending my evenings on the treadmill. Even after karate.

Until last night.

Why?? WHY, you ask?!

Because, I have no respect for my body. I did something stupid (which we will not discuss) and aggravated a pre-existing muscle pain to the point where I couldn't... so much... move my neck without tremendous amounts of seering, blinding pain. And I did this stupid thing right before I left work. Never has the .25 mile walk to the T been so difficult. Not even on first boot day last Fall. Not even after I sprained my knee. Not even... the day I put glass shards in my shoes to see if I truly did have thick-soled hobit feet.

But I walked through the pain, wincing every time I had to look both ways before crossing the street. I got on the train and sat sideways for an hour so I wouldn't hurt myself more. I carried my bags in my hands, half-dragging them on the ground all the way to the car. And once I got in the car, I damn near passed out. That's when Nell called and I explained my condition. SHE said I should see a doctor but what you people don't seem to understand is, The Doctor... takes my blood. And I don't appreciate that.

Instead, I went home, took 3 Ibuprofens, wrapped myself in my electric blanket and propped a heating pad (actually, one of those microwavable giant cloth tea bags that smell nummy) under the middle of my back and sat there sweating for a good hour and a half. After that, I could move a little. I used that opportunity to take two more Ibuprofens and reheat my giant tea bag.

I didn't, so much, get on the treadmill. Or stuff envelopes. Or pay bills. And I had just read all about how to do kip ups and so desperately wanted to try them last night. sigh. Now I'll never be Jackie Chan.

I'm still super sore this morning, though, and frankly, I'm not looking forward to the travel aspect of working. Commuter train seats are so uncomfortable (and yet somehow, I can always fall asleep on them). I'm thinking I'll bring Mr. Bottle O'Ibuprofen with me and redose all day. If I'm lucky, I'll morph into Molly Ringwald's sister in Sixteen Candles and spend the day acting like an idiot and embarassing my coworkers.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Don't Forget Your Fancy Dress Tassels

Great Big Thanks to Gail for her second donation!

(And if you haven't seen it yet, look for her in The List of Awesome as well.)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Roger Roger

Mission: Address Envelopes has been completed.

Next up:
--Mission: Stuff Envelopes
--Mission: Buy Stamps
--Mission: Mail Money-Grubbing Letters

See, I'm still workin'. I'm still goin'. I'm still ... um, truckin'.

And though I hate it with the passion of a thousand suns, I've made peace with Generalisimo Treadmill and have been spending time with it each evening for the past week.

I've got a belt test coming up in about a month and if that ain't motivation to get my squishy butt in shape, I don't know what is.

Oh, yes I do. Iron Man Triathalon. That's not something you go into cold.