Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Princess Peach, You Need to Save Yo'self, Girl

Oh extra effort. You're always in my way. I couldn't just have bought envelopes with sticky glue on the flap? No, no. I had to get the magically useless glue from 800 year old envelopes that had clearly spent many a moon on the shelf at Staples before I rescued them and gave them a better purpose.

A purpose... they clearly couldn't handle.

Saturday morning... ish... possibly Saturday afternoon, Nell and I went to the post office for some package mailing/stamp buying adventures. I bought 50 Breast Cancer Awareness stamps for... a lot more money than I thought it would cost. What are they, like $5 each?

Oh but they're beautious and well worth the price.

Anyhoo, it was one of many adventures this past weekend (and Happy Birthday to ya, Neller) and therefore not even remotely what I was thinking about Sunday night when I got home. Mostly, I was thinking, "How could I have forgotten my stupid phone in CT?!"

Stupid, stupid phone.

It was therefore LAST NIGHT that I actually remembered that Mission: Donation Letters was still on hold for lack of stamps. So post-video game funtime (I bought Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door last weekend. I lurve the Mario.) and about 20 minutes on the evil evil treadmill, I finally remembered those darn stamps sitting in a bag full of dirty clothes from the weekend.

So I stamped 44 letters and licked precisely one. I spent a good 10 minutes re-licking and attempting to stick (while watching Scrubs so you could say I was distracted) but failed miserably and ... got cranky about it.

I just told the mom and she says she can bring home tape from work. Yeah! Problem solved by the mom! Ain't that always the way?

TONIGHT! There will be tape!

And then there will be Mario.


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