Thursday, March 02, 2006

There's a Reason He Don't Run on Tables

I'm having an off week. A 'can't get out of bed' week. And it could be the cold weather, or the poor quality of sleep or, as I've pondered aloud today, I could have malaria. Regardless of the reason, I haven't been excercising in the morning (Monday and Tuesday but not so much yesterday or today--and likely not tomorrow) and it's been teeth-pullingly difficult to get myself to do much after work.

Not that I haven't.

I went to karate last night and feel justified that that class would normally count towards 90% of my weekly excercise needs. Oh but it doesn't count toward walking. There's no training for walking like... walking, or so I've heard. I'm working on it, kids, I really am but weeks like this, it's hard enough to schlump my way 5 blocks to work and back nevermind getting up early and going to bed late. Must sleep sometime.

I have every intention of oversleeping this weekend. And killing the malaria with copious amounts of alcohol at the mini-non-reunion this Saturday night, to which I also plan to bring a donation jar and a little thing I like to call my A game. Oh that's right. I will act like an idiot for donations. Be prepared for some serious table-dancing. I'm bringing back the Running Man.


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