Day 1 in Pictures
As the ceremony ended and tears were wiped from faces (yes, even mine) were we herded through the white gates, past the 3DAY flag and through the fabulous people who would spend the next 3 days feeding us, hydrating us, cheering us on and reminding us--constantly--to pee. The kids in yellow on the side are the Youth Corp, a wonderful group of youngsters who never lacked in energy... or water... or, again, reminders to pee.

And this was what the first several hours looked like. We didn't move very fast. But once we hit the first Pit stop, things broke up a bit and we could take more than a step at a time without tripping over fifteen other people.
Much like the Youth Corp, the Pink Angels were always a welcome sight... That dude's wearing pink fishnets. And the one in the dress, he was everywhere. Such a good sport. And always with an encouraging word. They weren't kidding when they said you'd have plenty of support along the way... they never said anything about pink tights, though.
Yeah, I made some friends along the way. This sheep, for instance. Never underestimate a sheep in sandals, my friends.
They are pretty trustworthy, as Lorraine here proves by whispering her secrets into his fuzzy ear.
Never fear, for the Boobmobile is here to save you from your sore feet and sweep you to the next stop. All the sweep vans were decorated but this one had BOOBS on it and seeing that driving past you on the streets of Natick beeping madly is freaking hysterical when you're... deliriously tired and ready to die.
And here's a sight for sore feet: Home Base. Our camp. Seen here from the road as we passed on the way to the entrance for the first time. The big white one is the dining tent.
Having made it through all 21.8 miles of the first day, Lorraine, Cassie and I pause for a photo op before being scanned into camp and limping over to the tent village to find our weekend accomodations.
A view of camp from the dining tent as I waited--ForEEEEver--for my dinner. Notice the big ole mountain behind the tents. That's what I woke up to in the morning... you know, if it were later than 4:50 and the sun was actually up so I could see it. I lucked out and had a tent angel put mine up before I even got into camp and THANK THE GODS for that, my friends, because the very last thing you want to do after walking 21 miles is... well, anything but not the least of which is putting up a damn tent. So thank you anonymous tent angel!
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