Thursday, July 20, 2006

Paying Bills is More Fun than Daytime Television

There's only so much daytime TV home sick Wendy can watch before the cheesey badness makes her sicker. So to avoid both idleness and activity, I'm catching up on my 3DAY stuff.

At the moment, I'm using Mr. Debit Card to enter all the cash into my 3DAY account electronically because, I just realized, the deadline for online registration is tomorrow and you can't... finish registering until you meet your fundraising goal. Checks don't send themselves, kids. So maybe I'll make a pilgrimage to the ATM later and deposit this cash. That'll give me an opportunity to stop by CVS with the film from all the things I've done in the past month or two. Maybe, if you're good little monkeys, I'll even scan some of those bad boys and post them up here tonight. And then at some point... I'll finish my registration.

That's enough activity, I think. And most of it I'll do... later. After a good old fashioned nap in front of the air conditioner.

There are some thank yous going up soon, too... but ... you know, later. Post-nap.


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