The Old Gray Mare, She Ain't What She Used to Be
I did, however, watch the safety video and take the 10 question multiple-choice quiz, scoring a total of 10 points and thereby proving my amazing skill in... paying attention.
What did I learn?
Well, first of all, they recommend stretching for 5 minutes every hour of walking. Can do, chief! I'll probably have to anyway. The rest stops are every 3-5 miles-ish and apparently they remind you there of the 3 R's (Refuel, Rehydrate, Relieve Yourself ie. Eat, Drink, Pee) and to STRETCH before you start walking again. My dad's boss's wife (catch that?) as an experienced 3DAY walker herself recommended that I do not DO NOT sit down at these rest stops. The video, as well as the reps at the meetings I went to way back when, said that if you're not peeing at every rest stop, you're not drinking enough. Well... that sounds pleasant.
Of course, the chat I had with my karate instructors went a little differently on this subject after my last test. They say that hydration is important, yes, but too much will cramp you up. And it's entirely true. I never bring water to class and the only time I ever drink is a couple sips during a test--mostly to wash back the rising bile--and in class after sparring because my mouth guard is not the most delicious thing I've ever chewed on. So I'm not sure how I feel about the water issue. I may have to find a happy medium.
I'm also worried about food and, more specifically, how my stomache will react to it and, most specifically, exactly how much time I'll have to spend in the Blue Box.
I'm not ashamed to tell you... I'm afeared of the Blue Box.
Anyhoo, I also learned about the dangers of dehydration and hypernatremia, both of which sound like a good time. That takes us right back to the Eat, Drink, Pee philosophy. Of course, as an example of the kind of snack they provide to keep your salt and water levels stable were potato chips. I can't imagine anything I'd like to eat more whilst trying to keep my body functioning. Mmhmm. Maybe I'll just bring my own snacks. Anything to avoid.... THE BOX!
What else did I learn? Oh, yes, that I have to obey traffic laws. What a drag. I was totally gonna hop out in front of cars and flash... for breast cancer awareness. Of course. But apparently I'm not allowed. Pfft. I'm also supposed to be respectful of local law enforcement. I swear, they're just trying to take away ALL my fun.
Based on what I saw in the video, though, I won't be the only sweat-drenched, achey-knee'd pansy with no will to live half-way through the event. No, I haven't been training much and no I could not walk 20 miles tomorrow but I'm in better shape than a lot of the walkers and that gives me some hope. Plus I'm working on the mushin thing so hopefully, when I start to hurt, I'll slip into a little zen coma like I do in class (but haven't quite mastered in tests where Ms. Low Self-Esteem Black Belt pokes the bear and makes her want to maul). It'll be easier to do surrounded by people who I can blindly follow (and again, based on the video, these people will be very hard to mistake; follow the pink feather boas!) instead of trying to figure out what part of my tiny town to traverse next.
AND, despite the warnings on this handy video to only take the recommended dosage of anti-inflammatories and pain-killers, I have a different recommended dosage from Mr. Stillhasn'tcalledmeback Doctorman and fully intend to OD to the point of giddyness on Ibuprofen.
Oh and they said Caffiene Bad! That could be a problem.
So. In conclusion: I need about $200 more. I'm calling the Doctorman tomorrow to put an end to this joint quandry. I need to break my caffiene addiction in the next couple weeks. I'm afraid of port-o-potty's. And... I'm gonna die of hypernatremia because I don't like chips.
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