Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ah the Wonders of NoBro

From that day a couple weekends back that I wore dark blue and no sunscreen. A pretty easy five miles, especially with a medium iced coffee and several stops for photo opportunities...

Walking along main street, I came across a scary old barn tucked into the woods. I've never seen this passing by car. Obviously, it is the secret lair of a evil demon geophysicist. I should really introduce myself.

The railroad tracks... one of many sites that wrap around our small town and create traffic horrors whenever a train actually passes through. Luckily it's not too often.

The bridge that I decided long ago was an aqueduct when really I think it's a train bridge. I like my story better. It's all about the ancient Romans. You know, the ones who lived in central Massachusetts.
And the cemetary that I came upon completely by accident. I took my camera out when I spotted a bunny chewing on someone's memorial flowers but it scampered before I could catch it in the act. Silly rabbit. Those flowers is for zombies!


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