My Body is a Temple
... a broken, rotting temple that strangers occasionally stand on for photo opportunities.

You know, I take these photos from Yahoo Image Searches and I often wonder if anyone is using my Yahoo photos--found during a search for... I don't know, "wee monkey" or "wendy face"--for their blogs... but then I remember that I had a point and that I should probably get back to it.
This evening, before karate, I was stretching--whilst being yelled at by an emotionally unstable little boy who probably needs a babysitter while his mother is in her Cardio Kickboxing class rather than being left alone in a waiting room with a bunch of strangers at whom he repeatedly yelled, "You're Not Doing Karate in HERE! Don't YOU DARE!" Mmhmm. Good parenting. Anyhoo, I was stretching, using mostly yoga poses Yogini Kathleen taught me and chillin' in the yoga mellow when POP POP! Huh? POP! POPPOP!
Whatwhat? Gun shots?! No, those were my hips casually readjusting themselves. I then ran three laps around the room--not, by the way, of my own volition but as a warm-up with the class--and the hippers felt just fine. Is this the end of my hipptastic hurties?!?!?!
No, probably not. My joint issues go beyond a little DIY chiropracy. I'd love to know how much but that would mean Mr. Doctorman would actually have to review my chart and he's much too busy and important for such things. sigh.
But I won't forget that pose anytime soon.
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