Heal Up Them Hurts
I hate that I'm not indestructible.

I hurt my knee. I don't even know how. I went out Saturday afternoon--post rainstorm that erupted like the second coming whilst the mom and I were in Target--and walked 4 miles.
Yay! Four miles! And at a moderate pace! I walked down to the park about a mile from my house, did... I don't know, a crap load of laps around the fitness trail (I intended to do 8 but I lost count after a while) and then walked a mile home. The only thing that slowed me down was that nasty hill up to my house.
By the way, my house is uphill both ways. No lie.
My knee had been hurting last week during my New London walk with Nellypoo and yes, it was a little stiff the next day but nothing compared to the ouch I woke up with yesterday. My knee was just... super stiff and achey and hurt when I moved certain ways.
So no, I did not walk yesterday. Bad monkey. Nor did I hop on the treadmill this morning. Double bad.
But as I've learned many many... many many times before, hurts don't heal if you don't let 'em.

I hurt my knee. I don't even know how. I went out Saturday afternoon--post rainstorm that erupted like the second coming whilst the mom and I were in Target--and walked 4 miles.
Yay! Four miles! And at a moderate pace! I walked down to the park about a mile from my house, did... I don't know, a crap load of laps around the fitness trail (I intended to do 8 but I lost count after a while) and then walked a mile home. The only thing that slowed me down was that nasty hill up to my house.
By the way, my house is uphill both ways. No lie.
My knee had been hurting last week during my New London walk with Nellypoo and yes, it was a little stiff the next day but nothing compared to the ouch I woke up with yesterday. My knee was just... super stiff and achey and hurt when I moved certain ways.
So no, I did not walk yesterday. Bad monkey. Nor did I hop on the treadmill this morning. Double bad.
But as I've learned many many... many many times before, hurts don't heal if you don't let 'em.
At 8:17 PM,
Sara Habein said…
Nice Wolverine!
Hey, Gracie pointed at your picture today and said "Wend-duh." I don't know where along the line she learned your name, but she has. Aww, you're even famous with the 2 year old set.
At 9:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Holy crap! That's awesome!
Yes, little Gracie, know the wendy, love the wendy, tell all your little friends.
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